Data Recovery Software

Data Recovery Software

RecoverSoft™ Media Tools Professional™, data recovery software and computer forensic solution

Use the EXACT computer forensic tools and data recovery software that is used by Government Agencies, IT professionals and Data Recovery companies worldwide.

Media Tools Professional data recovery software is self-booting and features the unique “Direct Drive Access” technologies that will communicate directly with the drive’s hardware by bypassing the BIOS. Included are 5 recovery modules, which have been refined for more than 10 years.

Price: U.S. $397


Media Tools Professional™ Features 5 data recovery software modules, which include the following:

  • Cycle-Clone / Reverse-Clone™: retrieve raw data from drives failing mechanically to another similar drive, keeping costs down by keeping the drive out of the clean room. (Used with Boot and Partition Repair™, File Recovery Tree™ and Media Editor™)
  • Cycle-Image™: image over a network for back up protection provided by creating an exact sector copy. (Used with Partition Repair™ and File Recovery Tree™ and Media Editor™.)
  • File Recovery Tree™: rebuild automatically the file system to recover files to a reliable media.
  • Boot Partition Repair™: recover files to a reliable media by automatically rebuilding partition tables and boot sectors.
  • Media Editor™: rebuild the file system – mount the file system. Allows search and view and then edit of raw data through custom designed editing templates. Knowledge of hex is not required.

When you need to destroy data – the bonus data recovery software module:

  • Secure Wipe™: delete data permanently in excess of the level required by the U.S. Department of Defense.


RecoverSoft™ Data Rescue PC, Data Recovery Software

A data recovery software solution that is powerful and cost-effective requiring no technical ‘know how’ to run.

CD is self-booting. No computer disassembly. No data recovery software installation. No separate boot devices required. Insert the RecoverSoft™ Data Rescue PC CD, reboot and begin recovering the data.

$129 - End User Edition (IT Edition $249)


Data Rescue PC differs from Windows dependent data recovery software …

RecoverSoft™ does NOT require the Windows operating system to run unlike Windows-dependent data recovery software. NO software installation, boot diskettes or computer disassembly is required to run and set-up or run RecoverSoft™. Begin by inserting the data recovery software CD and reboot the computer. Safely booting from the CD, Data Rescue PC accesses your files even when the Windows® desktop is not accessible. Data Rescue PC will then guide you to scan the media in question, choose which files to recover to an external Firewire or USB device or Hard Disk Drive.

Advanced Data Recovery Software & Services

There is a severe mechanical failure if you cannot physically see your drive by running File Recovery Tree™, Media Tools Professional™ or RecoverSoft™. No data recovery software will solve the problem at this point. You will need to ship your media to one of our clean rooms for in-lab data recovery services. Call Toll Free or fill out an online recovery contact form if you have any questions or if your problem is beyond data recovery software.

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