"What is a disk recovery utility anyway? Isn't it, data recovery software?"
Yes, it is. "Then, explain to me why disk recovery utility is hanging around; or vice-versa for that matter?" I thought you would never ask...
Before I start babbling, if you have arrived here looking for a quick disk recovery utility solution, without wanting my take on why such terms co-exist to confuse us more, read no further, and click the product button on the menu bar. For the curious, stick around and have a chuckle or two.
Lesson 1: Disk in disk recovery utility stems from the classic disk drive storage systems, as in the floppy. The modern hard disk drive and USB devices have replaced this technology, but defying change, the old-timers like me have continued to use the ‘disk' language.
The people across the pond, the British and beyond, haven't helped either, clinging to disc and the other disk in disk recovery utility. And so today, the word ‘hard' plus every combination of disk, disc, and drive are used interchangeably to describe the same thing, a storage device for data. Go figure!
Lesson 2: of disk recovery utility starts with the fact that recovery was never part of classic disk history. Recovery met disk and utility to become disk recovery utility; and then hooked up with data and software to become data recovery software, after it met data in the eighties to form the data recovery industry.
I believe they didn't meet earlier because recovery was having too much fun helping Jack and Daniels and all the 60's people in rehab. As a side note, I don't know why disk did not meet recovery first to establish disk recovery. If this would have been the case, their sibling disk recovery utility would be considered the predominate software tool today, and we would be in the disk recovery industry.
Lesson 3: with disk recovery utility simply states that the dictionaries which have defined utility and software have never used them. And so being, they should not be authorized to define such technical terms like utility, software, recovery, disk, or even disk recovery utility, because frankly their definitions stink; they're rotten.
My conspiracy theory as to why software and utility have been misused throughout history is that Webster and Cambridge hired unemployed French bakers after the war to write the computer section of their English dictionaries. Have you ever read some of these definitions? So, I am going to make up my own definitions to give justice to disk recovery utility, data recovery software, and all the other harddisk recovery technical terms that have been wronged. Your input is encouraged. Just add your definitions, additions, and comments below.
In real-techno language, the term utility is technical terminology for a tool, such as a disk recovery utility, that a computer technician uses to make money; while software refers to the busy work one has to do on the computer to get somebody to pay up or approve a job, like writing an invoice, creating a sales letter coupled with a spreadsheet attachment, and soforthe. I would like to be proved wrong.
Games are considered software, too, but because they invoke feelings of enjoyment, like when we get paid for using a disk recovery utility, we are willing to put up with the fact that we don't make money playing them.
So, according to my new definitions, disk recovery utility would be defined as a tool that technicians use to make money by recovering a disk, whether that is recovering the file system data, or restoring the operating system. What else is there?
My Final Observation
My real-world conclusion as to why software is commonly used in place of utility is because sales and support are tired of answering, "What do you mean by utility in disk recovery utility?" So, dumb-down marketing terminology has been created to keep them sane. Management has also consented to using software and products on the website, because tech support gets the mind-boggling disk recovery utility question on a regular basis. Just look at our menu bar. This gives credence to omitting disk recovery utility all together, and replacing it with disk recovery software. Then we could start on data and service and how they met recovery to form data recovery service .
So, there you have it, my Confucious thoughts as to why language like disk recovery utility and data recovery software live together confusingly in the disk data recovery world, and why disk recovery software may be a better choice in place of both terms. Once again, if you are seeking a disk recovery utility, please visit the product section of our website.